Imara Africa Safaris Wins Best Value Safari Operator 2024 | Lux Review Travel & Tourism Awards

Nairobi, Kenya – Imara Africa Safaris Limited is thrilled to announce that we have been honored with the prestigious ‘Best Value-for-Money Safari Tour Operator 2024‘ at the Travel & Tourism Awards in Nairobi. This accolade recognizes our unwavering commitment to providing outstanding safari experiences at competitive prices.


Since our inception, Imara Africa Safaris has aspired to bring the beauty of Africa closer to adventurers from all corners of the globe. We believe that experiencing the majestic wildlife and breathtaking landscapes of Kenya should be accessible without compromising quality. Our personalized safari packages are crafted to deliver immersive and unforgettable journeys through some of Africa’s most iconic national parks and reserves.

A Kenya Safari Adventure That Won Recognition

Being recognized with the Kenya safari awards is a moment of pride for us at Imara Africa Safaris. We strive to ensure that each luxury safari experience is a testament to the wonders of Kenya adventure travel.

Eco-Friendly Safaris: Our Commitment to Sustainability

Our eco-friendly safaris embody our pledge towards sustainable tourism in Kenya. Through our wildlife conservation tours, we facilitate meaningful encounters with nature while advocating for its protection.

Cultural Immersion with Our Cultural Safari Tours

Imara Africa Safaris offers cultural safari tours as part of our bespoke safari itineraries. These tours are designed to deepen the understanding of the rich cultural tapestry that Kenya boasts.

Meet Our Safari Travel Specialists

Our team of safari travel specialists is dedicated to curating African wildlife tours that are as educational as they are exhilarating.  Our team of seasoned professionals, local guides, and wildlife experts are dedicated to curating safaris that not only meet but exceed the expectations of our clients. We’re not just about the destination; we’re about creating stories and memories that last a lifetime.

As we accept this award, we want to express our deepest gratitude to our loyal customers who have trusted us with their African adventures. Your support and feedback have been instrumental in refining our services to the highest standard.

We also extend our thanks to the Travel & Tourism Awards committee for recognizing our efforts to maintain affordability while offering premium-quality safaris. This award is a testament to the hard work and passion that our team pours into each safari.

To our future guests, we invite you to explore the wilds of Kenya with us and see for yourself why Imara Africa Safaris Limited stands out as the best value-for-money safari tour operator in Nairobi.

Travel & Tourism Awards 2024 ceremony in a grand ballroom with a person holding a globe-shaped golden trophy.
A moment of celebration at the Travel & Tourism Awards 2024, where excellence in the travel industry is honored in a splendid setting.


Keep following our journey as we continue to set the bar high in the travel and tourism industry. Here’s to many more adventures together!

For more information and to book your next safari, please visit.

10 Must-Do Activities in Kenya’s Majestic Great Rift Valley

Exploring the Depths of Nature: A Journey Through the Great Rift Valley

1. Witness the Flamingos at Lake Nakuru

Lake Nakuru, famous for its large flocks of pink flamingos, should be at the top of your list when visiting the Great Rift Valley. The best time to observe these magnificent birds is during the dry season when they gather in the thousands, creating a breathtakingly colorful spectacle on the lake’s surface. The lake is also a sanctuary for rhinos, making wildlife spotting an absolute must-do.

2. Trek Mount Longonot

For hiking enthusiasts, Mount Longonot offers a challenging but accessible trek. Rising above the valley floor, this stratovolcano provides panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. The climb to the crater rim is rigorous, and a circuit around the crater’s edge is both exhilarating and awe-inspiring. Remember to bring water and wear appropriate shoes for the climb.

3. Discover the Rich Culture at the Bomas of Kenya

Dive into Kenya’s cultural diversity at the Bomas of Kenya, located near Nairobi. This cultural center showcases traditional villages of various Kenyan tribes, offering a glimpse into the construction techniques and lifestyles led by the country’s ethnic groups. Vibrant dance performances are also held, embodying the energy and spirit of Kenya’s cultural heritage.

4. Sail on Lake Naivasha

A peaceful boat ride on Lake Naivasha is a serene way to observe birdlife and hippos while soaking up the tranquil atmosphere. The freshwater lake is surrounded by lush greenery and offers a calming escape from the bustling city. Enjoy watching eagles swoop down for fish and keep an eye out for giraffes grazing along the shore.

5. Visit the Menengai Crater

One of the largest volcanic craters in the world, the Menengai Crater offers remarkable hiking opportunities and magnificent views over its massive caldera. With a history of rich geothermal activity, the crater is a geological wonder. A visit here is not just about the physical beauty but also about understanding the forces that shaped this dramatic landscape.

6. Go on a Safari in the Masai Mara

Arguably one of the most famous safari destinations in the world, the Masai Mara borders the Great Rift Valley to the southwest. The reserve is teeming with wildlife, including the Big Five, and is also known for the annual wildebeest migration. Whether you choose a game drive, a walking safari, or a balloon safari, the Masai Mara is an unforgettable wildlife experience.

7. Explore Hell’s Gate National Park

Hell’s Gate National Park’s distinctive landscape offers towering cliffs, gorges, and volcanic phenomena. Visitors can enjoy cycling amidst zebras and giraffes, hiking through the gorge where scenes from “The Lion King” were inspired, and even partake in rock climbing. The park is also home to natural hot springs and geysers, adding to the list of natural wonders to explore.

8. Relax at Lake Bogoria

Well-known for its hot springs and geysers, Lake Bogoria is a surreal setting where you can unwind and possibly spot the lesser flamingo. The alkaline lake’s steaming hot springs make for a unique and therapeutic experience. A relaxing soak here provides a welcome counterbalance to the more active pursuits in the valley.

9. Bird Watching at Lake Baringo

With over 470 bird species recorded, Lake Baringo is a birdwatcher’s paradise. Its fresh waters attract myriad bird species, including the rare crested eagle and African skimmer. Guided boat tours offer visitors the chance to get up close with both the birdlife and the local Njemps fishermen as they go about their daily routines.

10. Adventure at Mount Elgon

Straddling the border between Kenya and Uganda, Mount Elgon is an ancient, eroded volcano with the second-highest peak in Kenya. The mountain boasts unique flora and fauna, enchanting caves, and the massive caldera that can be explored through a variety of treks. For those looking for adventure mixed with solitude, Mount Elgon is an unparalleled destination.

The Great Rift Valley of Kenya is a land of stunning beauty, abundant wildlife, and diverse cultures. No matter what your interests are—whether it’s wildlife, outdoor adventure, or cultural enrichment—the valley has something to offer for every kind of traveler. Lace up your hiking boots, grab your binoculars, and prepare for an adventure as you explore the grandeur of this African treasure.

Unforgettable Safari in Kenya & Tanzania: A Once-in-a-Lifetime Wildlife Adventure

Embarking on a Thrilling Journey: Safari in Kenya & Tanzania

Imagine the feeling of being surrounded by breathtaking landscapes, encountering majestic animals up close, and immersing yourself in the rich biodiversity of Africa. A safari in Kenya and Tanzania offers all this and more, providing a once-in-a-lifetime wildlife adventure that will leave you with memories to last a lifetime. From the vast savannahs of the Masai Mara to the stunning Serengeti National Park, this extraordinary journey promises to be a thrilling and unforgettable experience for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike.

Exploring the Vast Wilderness: A Wildlife Haven Awaits

As our safari journey begins, we find ourselves amidst the vast wilderness of Kenya and Tanzania. With their expansive grasslands, dense forests, and shimmering lakes, these countries provide a haven for an incredible array of wildlife species. The Masai Mara, known for its annual wildebeest migration, captivates visitors with its endless plains and the ever-present opportunity to witness the thrilling chase of predators. On the other hand, the Serengeti National Park showcases the magnificent African savannah, offering an unparalleled chance to observe animals in their natural habitat.

Witnessing Majestic Beasts: Unforgettable Encounters

Every moment spent on safari is filled with the anticipation of coming face-to-face with Africa’s majestic beasts. The astonishing diversity of wildlife in Kenya and Tanzania ensures that no two encounters are ever the same. Picture the awe-inspiring sight of a lioness prowling through the grasslands, or the adrenaline rush as a herd of elephants crosses your path. Giraffes gracefully munching on treetops and zebras galloping across the plains paint a vivid picture of the untamed beauty that surrounds you. Whether it is the elusive leopard, the powerful rhinoceros, or the playful antics of a troop of baboons, each encounter leaves an indelible mark on your soul.

Cherishing Memories Forever: The Ultimate Safari Experience

A safari in Kenya and Tanzania is not only about the animals; it is a holistic experience that touches on all senses. The crackling sound of a campfire under a starlit sky, the aroma of traditional African cuisine, and the warmth of the local people make this journey truly unforgettable. Accommodations range from luxurious lodges to comfortable tented camps, each providing a unique experience and a front-row seat to the wonders of nature. Additionally, expert guides, well-versed in the local flora and fauna, ensure that every step of the journey is both educational and immersive.

The ultimate safari experience is not complete without engaging in responsible tourism practices. Kenya and Tanzania have a strong commitment to conservation, and travelers have the opportunity to contribute to these efforts. By choosing eco-friendly accommodations, supporting local communities, and respecting wildlife habitats, visitors can play a role in preserving these fragile ecosystems for future generations.

A safari in Kenya and Tanzania offers an unparalleled opportunity to connect with nature, to witness the raw beauty of the animal kingdom, and to create memories that will last a lifetime. From the breathtaking landscapes to the incredible wildlife encounters, this once-in-a-lifetime adventure is a must for any wildlife enthusiast or adventure seeker. So, pack your bags, prepare your camera, and embark on this unforgettable safari journey – an experience that will leave you forever changed.

A Hot Air Balloon Safari in Africa.

Combining a Kenya Tanzania Safari



Kenya and Tanzania are located east of Africa and are one of the main safari destinations renowned for some of the best wildlife experiences. Combining a Kenya and Tanzania safari brings you close to an amazing array of Wildlife unmatched by any other destination. Kenya and Tanzania are host to one of the last and greatest animal migrations in the world where over a million ungulates move from region to another in search of greener and fresher pastures. With the amazing wildlife viewing opportunities, also come a few drawbacks that we will delve into to give you a better insight into the advantages and disadvantages of taking this dream Kenya and Tanzania Safari.

Lioness with cubs in the green plains
A moaning lioness (panthera leo) with her cubs is resting on a small hill. Shot in wildlife, directly at the border of Masai Mara (Kenya) and Serengeti (Tanzania).


Best and varied Wildlife safari Viewing opportunities

Combining a Tanzania and Kenya Safari has its advantages in Wildlife sightings. The combined safari gives you a guarantee to seeing and experiencing the Big Five animals. With the most difficult of the Big five being the Leopard and Rhino. The Rhinos are easily seen at some of the conservancies and national parks in Kenya with ease. Lake Nakuru, Ol Pejeta and Solio have quite some populations of the white and Black Rhino with easy sightings during game safaris. Masai Mara, Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater are also host to the Black Rhino which is a more elusive species between both the Black and White Rhino. Some of the best areas to see the Leopard is the Samburu and Masai Mara in Kenya and Serengeti, Ruaha and Selous in Tanzania.

Rhino Sighting at Masai Mara, Kenya
Rhino Sighting at Masai Mara, Kenya

Guarantee into the Wildebeest and Zebra Migration Experience

The Wildebeest Migration centers around movement of the herds between Kenya and Tanzania. The Migration is present in Kenya between the months of July to October. The overall period and time they spend in Kenya is not pegged on any specific date range and therefore sometimes the migration can start early and end earlier or later with varied intensities. For the other months of the year, the Migration is in Tanzania. The herds move some approximately 160 kilometers south towards the Southern Serengeti and eastern towards the Ngorongoro Crater. The herds can be viewed around the Ngorongoro Conservation area during the months of December to March. Between March and June the herds are slowly migrating north towards Kenya. By combining Kenya and Tanzania for your safari, you will either experience the herds in Kenya, Serengeti or Ngorongoro Conservation area around the lake Ndutu region. You can select an accommodation option that is closest to the herds in any of the main concentration areas of the migration corridor being the Northern Serengeti, Central Serengeti, Southern Serengeti or Lake Ndutu in the Ngorongoro Conservation area.

Wildebeest at Sunset at lake Ndutu Tanzania.

Different Landscape Experience

The Landscape varies from one park or game reserve to the other. Kenya has a more varied option of landscape as compared to the Northern Tanzania. Samburu in the north is more arid scrub land while the Masai Mara in Kenya is more savanna’s dotted with riverine forest and acacias spotting the landscape. Amboseli further south in Kenya is open Savannah with the backdrop of the Kilimanjaro, Africa’s tallest mountain. The Aberdare is part of a mountainous range with dense forest and waterfalls.
In Tanzania, the northern Tanzania has the Tarangire, Ngorongoro and Serengeti. The Serengeti shares an ecosystem with the Masai Mara and also is similar in altitude and landscape. The Ngorongoro crater is a collapsed caldera with quite an amazing density of wildlife. The drive into the crater is also part of the adventure as the Jeeps slowly crawl down the steep slopes into the caldera. The Ngorongoro Crater viewed from the lodges/Camps on the crater rim is an amazing sight during the sunrise and sunset hours.
The Tarangire is more arid and low with a huge density of Elephants and the Baobab trees. In Kenya the Baobabs can be found south of Kenya in the Tsavo West National park. The Tsavo East and West in Kenya are also host to huge density of Elephants

Serengeti Safari Tanzania
Views at Kleins Camp, Serengeti Tanzania

Cost of Flying to East Africa

Flying to Africa can be quite expensive. Flying from Europe to Africa is cheaper than flying from the South America, America and Australia which can set you off quite a few thousands in dollars. For this reason if you are looking at traveling to Africa as a bucket list travel plan, then taking a return flight to either Nairobi or Kilimanjaro and taking a safari to both Tanzania and Kenya would be cost effective rather than taking two different flights and two different safaris. You could easily fly to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi, Kenya and start your safari in Kenya crossing to Tanzania and ending the safari in Nairobi in time for your flight back home. This would also mean you have saved up on time planning for the trip in two different countries one off. The drive from Kenya to Tanzania is seamless and you can cross the border at either Namanga if coming from Amboseli or Arusha or cross the border at Isebania if driving from the Mara to Serengeti or vice versa.

Ngorongoro crater tanzania safari
Ngorongoro crater tanzania safari


More Number of Days on Safari needed

The safari to both combine Kenya and Tanzania has its down sides to it. This would mean you are visiting more parks and therefore there is a minimum number of days you would require to realize the safari comfortably. We would advise planning for a minimum of eight days but you can also make it longer to enjoy the safari at a relaxed pace and also include more and diverse national parks offering different varied experiences. Ideally spending more days in the larger parks will also give you ample time to explore these vast areas and more successful wildlife viewing experiences. This is also advisable during the wildebeest Calving season at Ngorongoro Conservation area bordering the Serengeti. Spending at least two days at the Lake Ndutu area and another 3 days at Serengeti would be ideal since these are two different national parks.

High Cost of the Safari

One of the major downside to combining the Kenya Tanzania safari is the overall cost towards the safari. This is majorly influenced by the use of two different transport vehicles for the safari. In Kenya, only registered Kenya safari vehicle can access the national parks and reserves and in Tanzania, only Tanzania registered vehicles can access the parks. This involves extra transport costs and guide costs during the cross border transfers between Kenya and Tanzania. If crossing from Isebania for instance which is the western border crossing closest to Masai Mara, a safari vehicle has to depart from Arusha a day before and drive to the Isebania while the safari vehicle form Masai Mara dropping you at the border will need an extra day for the drive back to Nairobi. This extra transport logistics will occasion an increase in the overall cost of the safari when combining the Kenya and Tanzania safari.

Reticulated Giraffe, Samburu Kenya.
Reticulated Giraffe, Samburu Kenya.

Longer Distance Traveling Hours between the cross border parks

The cross border transfers from Amboseli to either Tarangire, lake Manyara can be long and tedious sometimes. The average border crossings take about an hour to get immigration and clearance at the border. This coupled with the drive from the border makes up an average of 6 hours on non-game viewing drive time. The drive also from Masai Mara to Serengeti takes up about 6 hours for the drives between Serengeti in Tanzania and Masai Mara. This gives the general feel of a day lost. There is the possibility of flying between the Serengeti and Masai Mara at a cost and this saves up on vital time that would be used for game viewing. It’s advisable to go for a safari package that has a minimum of 03 nights in Serengeti and Masai Mara to recover on the extra day lost or plan to have a stop at the shore of lake Victoria Speke’s bay.

For more information regarding planning and organizing for a Kenya Tanzania Safari Combined, please do not hesitate to contact us for advise or any assistance OR curate your Safari with Us.

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Get expert planning advice and new trip ideas from Africa’s leading safari travel specialists.